ContainersSDGs and world seaports

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish the global agenda for sustainable development.

The SDGs represent a holistic and integrated approach to protect the environment, improve societal issues and achieve economic growth at a global level.

193 countries agreed on the 17 SDGs to deliver global change by 2030.

The goals were formally adopted by the United Nations in September 2015.

Businesses are being called upon to contribute to the SDGs in a collaborative effort to achieve long-term success and positive change. We believe as globally connected entities, and as centres of key economic activity, the world port sector is perfectly positioned to take the lead in a significant contribution to this global agenda.

To enable each port business to positively contribute to Agenda 2030, detailed analysis of the SDGs against key business drivers & objectives needs to occur.

We believe aligning business strategy with the SDGs will add significant economic, human and capital value.

Over the past few years we have worked with multiple ports across Australian and New Zealand using our industry-accepted four-stage methodology (including the SDG framework). We would be more than pleased to discuss how this approach can add benefit to your organisation – both now and in the future.

It is our strong view that the SDG platform provides a remarkable opportunity for individual ports to demonstrate how local action can make a significant contribution to a broader global agenda.